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Sleeve Gastrectomy


Dr. Thoman was the first surgeon on the central coast to perform the laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, and still the only surgeon able to perform it through a single incision at the belly button. This procedure involves removing around 80% of the stomach leaving a tube or “sleeve” of stomach. It has become more popular in the last 10 years and is now around 85% of procedures. The Sleeve Gastrectomy works by lowering your body’s set point for weight by altering the gastrointestinal hormones.


The Sleeve Gastrectomy, like all surgeries Dr. Thoman performs, is done with tiny incisions and usually takes around 30 minutes to perform. Most people are sore for a few days and fully recovered within a week or two.

The sleeve creates weight loss and cures health problems almost as well as the gastric bypass but without most of the long-term risks. Around 7% of gastric bypass patients will eventually need another surgery because of ulcers or internal hernias, the sleeve eliminates that risk. Your intestines are not touched and that dramatically decreases your chance of problems down the road.


Weight loss begins immediately after the surgery and usually continues for approximately 12 to 18 months. Your rate of weight loss will depend on your height and weight prior to surgery, as well as your diet, level of exercise, and daily calorie intake. Most people lose around 40 pounds in the first 2 months and then about 70-80% of the excess body weight within 18 months of surgery.


During your consultation, Dr. Thoman will thoroughly review your health history and discuss the risks and complications associated with Sleeve Gastrectomy surgery, including:

Diet after surgery

After surgery on the stomach it is important to not stress it until it has healed. That is the reasoning behind taking only liquids for the first 2 weeks and then mushy foods for 2 weeks and then slowly advancing to a more normal diet. Protein is important for healing and this is emphasized early on. Also important is staying hydrated. It can be difficult to even drink initially while your stomach is still swollen. Taking small sips all-day long works best. Sugar free popsicles will often go down when water doesn’t. Adding cucumber or fruit to your water also can help it go down easier. After 6 weeks everything has healed and your diet should include only healthy whole-foods and nothing processed. There is no need to take protein shakes after 6 weeks. You have a new set point for weight and your body is trying to get you down to it by decreasing your hunger. If you are not hungry then don’t eat. If you are hungry then eat healthy. This will apply for the rest of your life. There is no reason to “diet” anymore. Some people feel better taking multiple smaller meals, which is fine. Everyone is different and the important thing is to listen to your body and stop eating when you are full. Eating slowly is also important for the rest of your life, as should we all!


Dr. Thoman will see you at 2 weeks after surgery to make sure you are healing ok. Then he will see you at 2 months, 6 months and on your 1-year anniversary every year until he retires. At these visits we will talk about exercise and how you are doing. Blood work will be done before each of these to make sure you’re healthy and your vitamin levels are ok.

Success Stories

Be inspired to take control of your weight loss struggle. Read the testimonials and success stories shared by some real patients who visited Dr. Thoman for weight loss surgery in California.


When it comes to weight loss, there’s success in numbers. The Silvas know that firsthand – this husband and wife decided to begin their weight loss journey together, and relied on Dr. Thoman to help them on their way. For each other and their children, they decided that their transformation couldn’t wait any longer, and they have nothing but kind words for Dr. Thoman and his staff.


After spending over half her life morbidly obese, Lynda was constantly tired, depressed, and embarrassed because of her size. Being the mother of 3 young children and a kindergarten teacher, she decided it was time to change her life when her weight reached 305 pounds. Read her story of success after visiting Dr. Thoman for minimally-invasive gastric bypass weight loss surgery in California.


I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to all staff and to Dr. Thoman for the excellent care I received through my whole weight loss experience.